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Hi, I am back here agaim for a long time. I promised you Father/Mother!Original Avengers Character x Teenage!Reader. The first part is Tony... I hope you enjoy and please rate and comment if you like it! Thanks! :)
Father!Tony Stark x Teenage!Reader

,,Jarvis, what can I do now?!" you yelled. ,,You can't use the jets, miss (Name)." ,,And what can I do?!" You were scared and falling into New York, let us say, into New York's asphalt, because you were falling free fall, anyone couldn't help you. You will die. ,,If you want, I can call Mr. Stark," Jarvis said, with his regular calm. ,,No! I will do everything, just don't call my dad!"  He didn't know about it, of course, he will forbid it to you, so you used and uses his Iron Man's suit, when he had some proceeding or he works on something, secretly, sure. One or two times he almost saw you, but you were quick and quiet and he didn't know anything. That was good, on one side. But that was worse.  You learnt how fly with suit, alone, without help, maybe beside Jarvis, but you hit some building and the systems says errors and that wasn't good. ,,There is left 200 meters," Jarvis said. ,,150 meters. 100 meters. 50 mete-" ,,Jarvis, shut up!" you yelled, because you started panic. You could see shops and restaurants on the street and you closed your eyes. You didn't want see your end. Your last thought was on your father, Tony Stark... Rash and quick pressure hit your back and you flied up. You gasped. Someone held you armful, strongly and toughly, but also softly and carefully. You finally opened eyes and you saw...another Iron Man! ,,Jarvis?" you asked quietly. ,,I am sorry, miss (Name), but your father told and commanded me to call him when you will be in danger, in day, at night, at midnight, so always if you will need it and across your protests." Your way was quiet and without only one word. Tony held you and flied to your home, Stark Tower, but you can recognised he is really much angry, really much. He even didnt look on you, just had his head uprightly and frontward, he didn't give you no one look. You couldn't see his face, across mask, let alone what he thinks.  You two arrived home and Tony landed.  He went on the land floor and parts of his suit got away. He was in his normal clothes and went to living room, still without just one word or look.  When he was away, you repeated what he did and your suit got down too. You followed Tony to lounge. You tried be quietly, because you were scared. Yes, you were scared about him. And of him. He came to bar and took glass of rum and he sat down on the couch. You still stand in doors.  He finally looked on you and you wanted to give a slap to yourself. That look was full of unhappiness, fear and... disappointment. That hit and stuck your heart so much, that you fell on floor and started cry.  ,,(Name)! (Name), whats happening?!" Oh my God. Anthony Edward Stark. Playboy, billionaire, genius, philanthropist. He was really bad and nasty to others, but... You were really surprised and happy. It doesn't matter, how much he is angry - he still take care about you, everytime, always and forever. He quickly stood up and fastly went for you. He was in front of you and crouched toward you. One his arm held your waist, second one was on your shoulder. You looked into his nutty eyes - they were frightened. You just sobbed and hurled on him. You held his neck tighly and you still cried. You felt, how he smiled, but hugged you too - you and Tony have your special personal hug, when you have arms around his neck and he hugs your waist and back and you give legs around his hips, precisely as now. He stood up and took you with him and you two went and after that sat down on the couch.  ,,(Name), are you okay? Iss everything okay?" You sobbed. ,,Y-yes, I am fine, but n-nothing is okay," you said and delved your head into his neck and collarbone. ,,What? Is anything wrong?" he asked and softly forced you to a little pull away, so as he could see your face. He panned your tears. ,,Why you did it? You could die." ,,I, just w-want be like you, brave, super smart, nice, quick, so perfect..." He stopped but smiled. ,,Do you really think this?" You nodded. ,,Oh, come here," he smiled and hugged you again. ,,Why you didn't say me you wants to learn with suit too?" he whispered into your ear. ,,I was afraid you won't allowed to me." ,,Why?" ,,I don't know, I just though it." ,,Oh my God, (Name), how you could think it? I would teach you, and I will teach you, if you want." He really shone with happiness and passionateness. ,,R-really? Do you think it really?" you sobbed. ,,Yes. Yes! Did I anytime lie you?!" You smiled. ,,No, of course. So...when we will start?" You were so happy! ,,Well, Pepper is in Washington and she called she will arrive on next Tuesday, so we have...three days on basic training. Because I think Pepper wouldnt allow it. She is Pepper, you know," he grinned. He was right, Pepper really wouldnt allow it, because she worry about Tony when he flies, so she will be crazy with fear about you... For info, you hates when somebody says your daddy is philanderer, however its true, but you really hates it. And some your dad's girlfriends really hates YOU and you heartily returned to them. Which was almost everytime, well, everytime, because you couldn't imagine she going to be your mother, if he going to get married one of them. That was your nightmares. But Pepper was different. She didn't want and don't wants Tony's money and estates, she wanted and wants Tony. And ,,Darling, I wants Tony, and towards Tony belongs you, okay? You have the same price for me as for him," she said you one time. You really felt she loves you two and you felt she is like your really mother. Which didn't want you and let you to Tony. She really loves you as her own child and you her too. ,,Yes, I think so," you smiled. ,,Okay, come on, quick, now!" You quickly got off him and you could see he was really looking forward on it. You two raced who will be first on land place and you won. ,,Oh, you know, your daddy is older than before," Tony smiled and gasped for air. ,,No, my dad isn't old, you bold mortal! How you can say it?! Your penalty will be terrible!" you imitated Loki and your dad could die with laughing. Everybody says you are great actress and even Loki, when you played scene for him when other Avengers needed a time.  ,,Oh my God, please lay aside me! I was joking, I am little young boy!" he laughed. ,,Mister Stark, is that a Shakespeare?" Jarvis asked and you and Tony exploded of laughing.  When you calmed down, Tony said to Jarvis he is going to have to prepare two suits today. You got choose one of them - Tony's official red/yellow or new red/silver. Tony said it doesn't matter for him so you chose the red/silver. On one side you flied with the red/yellow one by now and you wanted try something new and on second side you couldn't imagine Tony in any other suit than that. It was his part. Part of him.  He helped you to get into and after that he got his own. In his presentation it looked so easy! He told you basic commands and you tried to shot some things, as discarded apple, for example. ,,Hey, you are really good at it! How long do you do it?" Tony asked, but he wasnt angry now, just curious. ,,I don't know, month, maybe, why?" ,,One month? Are you kidding me?! You must be kidding, you are joking! It really had to be shorter, I would noticed it." ,,No, really, from...yeah, from 22nd in May, I know it, because you said you have big mission and I decided I will try it. Yeah, and today is...19th in June, yes, it's month." Tony stopped and sighed. ,,So I am really bad father, right?" You gasped. ,,What?! No! You are the best and dearest and smartest daddy on the whole world! By the way, I didn't want you will see me, know." He shook with his head. ,,Okay, can we continued? The next is...communication and using parts of suit, for example other shots, laser, jets and more. Are you ready?" ,,Aye, sir!" you saluted and he smiled.  ,,Okay, turn on laser!" he yelled. You tried it and after a few seconds Tony had to dodge, because if he didn't, laser did his suit to two half. ,,Sorry?" you said quietly and waited he will say it's over and end and you are going to go to your room and he hates you, because you could kill him! Oh my God, you could kill him! You noticed it now and you were scared at the moment. ,,Wow! That was amazing! Just we have to a little works on coverage, but that will be okay. You're amazing and best student, do you know it?" he smiled before he noticed you are shaking. ,,(Name)? Is anything wrong?" ,,I could... I could kill you," you gasped and on your face poured down tears. ,,No, no, no, no, no, darling, it's okay, honey, please stop cry, nothing happened!" he went in front of you and did your face masks got away and he took your face into his hands. ,,You don't understand, I could kill you, you could die! And it could be my mistake!" you cried and yelled with hysteria in voice. ,,No, no, no, it was next to, it didn't hit me, look, I am fine," he tried calmed you down. ,,You don't understand, you and Pepper are everything for me, really everything and if I or anybody other will hurt you or even...kill,I will kill myself, because there will be nothing what have a price for me!" Tony stopped. He knew you have hysteric outbreak, but that were really strong words, even for Anthony Stark. ,,(Name). What are you talking about for the hell! You cant think it seriously! Do you want to tell me my only and best daughter going to be self-murderer?! Why?! Please, please, promise me one thing." He looked into your eyes deeply. You just nodded. ,,Promise me, if whatever will happen with me,  you will live. You will still live. Okay?" You nodded and hugged him tightly. He caressed your head and kissed you on forehead. You were so drained and tired you didn't notice you fell asleep on your dad. He realized it and he smiled. Jarvis helped him got off all parts of suit and if they done it, Tony took you into armful and took you away to his and Pepper's bedroom. He placed you into their bed and covered you with blanket. He took off his and your shoes and lied next to you. Tony hugged you from behind and you snuggled to him.  You lied that way maybe twenty minutes when Tony heard some sounds. Key in lock. The doors opened and closed. Bag fell on the floor and someone went to bedroom. ,,Hi, lov-" Pepper shut up and smiled when she saw you two and Tony how displays finger on lips. She took off shoes too and quietly and carefully lied behind you, opposite to Tony. ,,Hi love. I had a lot of work but I was hardworking and I done it so I can be here now," she whispered. ,,You are amazing," Tony said and they two kissed above your head. ,,So I have free time now." You opened your eyes and saw... ,,Pepper! Hi! When you arrived? How are you? Is that good in Washi-" Pepper gave finger on your mouth and you grinned. ,,I am going to tell you everything in the morning, okay darling? And I am fine now, with you two and it's the best," she kissed your forehead and mussed Tony's hair. ,,Thank you," he said ironically and shook head in trying give it to normal. ,,But now is the sleep time," she said rigidly but with smile. ,,Pepper, can I sleep with you tonight? Pleeease." You did ,,puppy eyes". ,,Pretty please," Tony added and did ,,puppy eyes" with you. ,,Okay, I haven't problem, but I am warning you," she said seriously. ,,Tony sometimes snores," she laughed and Tony did ,,duck face". ,,I know, Pepper, I know," you said and hugged her. She reciprocated it to you and Tony got near and he hugged Pepper too. You were like big, happy family. They two gave you the kisses on your peak and after kissed each other. ,,Good night my loves," Pepper smiled – she also was falling to sleep. ,,Good night, parents," you grinned. ,,Good night, my darlings, my loves, my girls. My everything," Tony whispered when you two slept and hugged you tighter.
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Here is the next ;) thank you #Ranger-Chan
,,Seven Minutes In Heaven“
The Avengers

Part 5

Thor sat on the couch, his hands were founded on his chest and he frowned on the whole world. He was angry, because Avengers played some game, which he didn't know. It was something with wardrobe and two people or what. It was a Midgardian game, sure. And Ann went into wardrobe with Bruce, that was what made him angry. No, he can't be jealous, impossible, he just...worry about his little sister, that's all.
Professor and Goddess arrived from wardrobe and they two sat down on the couch. They viewed fine.
Bruce went out, because he got some water and Thor followed him. ,,Doctor Banner?“ he asked and killed him with his view. ,,Oh, Thor, I didn't notice you are here. How can I help you?“ ,,Just tell me what you did in wardrobe with Ann, that's all,“ he said with darkness in his voice.         ,,Thor, nothing was happen, we just did talking, really.“ Bruce said quickly, because there was one true: he worry of him. He is storm and thunder God and he is really very strong and stubborn. He really didn't know his reaction, and he was scared. They two really just did talking, nothing else. ,,Okay. But if I will hear it's lie, you hope you'll live.“ he hissed and went away, back to living room. Bruce still just shocked stand...
,,Hey, Thor, where are you? Ann chose you to wardrobe,“ Tony yelled and Thor blinked.
,,What?" ,,Just go to the wardrobe and Ann will tell you details, okay?" Tony quickly said and hustled God into dark.
,,Thor?" Ann asked. ,,Hi, please tell me how is playing this game?" Ann grinned. ,,Well, you will get into wardrobe with other people and there you will do what you want, nobody will know it, it will be a secret."
,,That's all?" ,,Yes, what you waited? People who got here will have sex or will play PC game or what?" she smiled. Thor stopped do anything and just hungrily saw on Ann. She still smiled, but after a while she stopped too, because Thor caressed her face.
,,Th-Thor, what are you do-doing?" she gasped. ,,You said what happened in wardrobe, still in wardrobe, no?" ,,Yes, that's true, but what are yo-"
Thor did something, what did Ann surprised. He strongly hugged her and kissed her, strongly, too. Thor always had a big strong, but Ann couldn't breathed. She gasped and Thor let her go. ,,Sorry, I knew that, you never will love me, I'm sorry." Thor tilted his head, he was hurt and disappointed. ,,I know, I am just a big bloob, lamer, idiot, and moron, but I fell for you many years ago, but I didn't know how I can tell you."
Thor was grinding and Ann noticed on his shape slipped down teardrop.
,,No, no, no, you didn't understand, I just gasped because your strong is really strong and I couldn't breathed, you silly. And why you said these wrong, bad and ugly words dammit?! That's not true!" ,,No Ann, we two and everyone others know this is true, just not say to me because I will be sad or what." ,,And why you are sad now?"
,, wish is impossible." ,,Which wish?" she asked and went near to him. He retreated. ,,What?" She didn't understand why he is that. ,,I don't want hurt you, really. Please...still away from me." he finished, opened doors and went away. ,,Thor, wait!" She yelled behind him, but he didn't listen her and disappeared.
,,What's wrong?" Natasha asked. ,,Oh, well, he just...he just understood something other way how I meant it and he went away. Loki, where he can go?" ,,Sorry, sis, but I think you have near to him than me," he said with apologetic look in face. ,,Agh, can you read his thoughts?" She started panic, because he did one stupidity in that mood one time. Bad stupidity.
,,Okay, I'll try it, just wait," Loki breathed in and gave his fingers on his shuteyes.
After a while he ended. ,,He is on the rooftop. I think you can go for him. And Clint, I remembered, can you find that amazing song?" ,,Yes, okay."
Ann rolled eyes and go on the rooftop.
She saw a big body. And the shoulders of that big body were moved and shook, the hands were on the face and the sobs were clearly audible.
,,Oh, Thor, here you are," she groaned and ran next to him. He didn't stop.
,,Thor?" ,,Go away, please," he whispered. ,,No, I meant it other way I and want to elucidate to you-" ,,Go away, Ann." He whirred now.
Ann was confused. And scared. ,,Go away," he stiffened his voice. ,,No." ,,Go. Away." ,,No!"
When she yelled it, Thor lose control and changed to big gold retriever. Angry gold retriever. Ann loudly swallowed, but she still stand.
Dog whirred darkly. And Ann got an idea. She changes to her patron - wolf. She was smaller than Thor, but for normal Midgardian still big and huge. Thor shook with himself, but quickly came to life. Wolf walked around him, and he started watching her. She was perfect and he failed to stop do it. She got around him three times and after she stopped in front of him. He started be unsure again.
But Ann continued. She was so near of him! And goddess delved her face to god's shoulder and fur which was on it. Thor gathered all his courage and hugged her neck. She did the mind control and two changed back to peoples. But they still hugged. His strong arms were around her slim hips. ,,Thor, I meant it I fell for you too, but I though you will refused me and that will kill me," she pleaded.
Thor started cry again. ,,And why you gasped, well?" ,,Because I couldn't breathed! You are so strong!" She wiped his teardrops and caressed his face. ,,Really?" he whispered and stopped cry.
,,Yes! So, you don't trust me now?" ,,No, no, sorry," he finally smiled. They looked to eyes each other. Ann stood on toes. And kissed him. Softly. Thor gave arms around her hips and did kiss wilder. But Ann pulled away. But after a while she started again, but still softly like before. Thor understood. She wanted lovely and soft kisses, no wild and quick as him. He blushed and Ann smiled to his reaction.
But after a few minutes Thor must grinned, because he got what he wanted - their kisses were brave and wild and beautiful and with love.
Thor pulled away for lost breath and looked on her. Her eyes was darker and hungry. He hugged her and whispered to her ear. ,,I love you, always, and forever." Ann gasped and he noticed she had a teardropd in eyes. He just laughed and they two went to house. Together, hand in hand.
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Here is the next, I hope you'll like it and enjoy ;)
,,Seven Minutes In Heaven“
The Avengers

Part 4
Tony Stark

,,Ann, do you go to play ,Seven seconds in sky' or what?“ Steve asked and watched how Ann mixed two liquids. ,,I think yes, but I'll arrive after a few minutes, I must finished this experiment and sorry, but I would like you will be out or away, it's dangerous, even for super-soldier like you, yes?“ ,,Okay, I am disappearing,“ Steve smiled and went to the living room.
,,Hey, hey, Ann!“ Tony ran into a laboratory. ,,Do you play a     ,seven minutes in heaven'? Please, come on!“ ,,Okay, Tony, but I do important experiment, it's really dangerous, I'll arrive after five minutes!“ ,,No, you must go now! The game started now!“ He was so stubborn! And unyielding! ,,No, go away now!“ she yelled. ,,Five minutes, no more, no one millisecond moreover!“ He left her and she sighed. Sometimes she thinks Tony is like a ram...
She did the experiment, but she lose a concept of time and she didn't notice a five minutes were away.
Tony stormed into lab, he caught Ann's arm, but he didn't wait she still have the experiment in her hands and he...twitched with her.
Sure, the try got out and spilled on poor Ann...
,,Ann? Ann?!“ She groaned and with big exertion opened her eyes. She lied on floor, in lab and all Avengers were around her. They all were scared about her. ,,How you feel?“ repeated voice, which she heard. Bruce's voice. He was closets to her and he bent over her. Finally, he was also doctor. ,,Did you have anytime head like crossing over of steam roller?“ she asked and grinned. In any situation, she never lose the sense of humor. ,,Yes, she will be fine,“ he smiled and others breathed lightness. ,,Do you want to go to bed and relax?“ he asked, although he knew the answer: no.
,,No,“ like he waited, ,,I'm fine. Moreover, I promised Tony I will play ,Seven minutes'.“ ,,If you not feel good, you needn't play, it's-“ Tony finally, he spoke. ,,Tony, I am in the best order, you needn't be worry.“ ,,And what was in the experiment which you did?“ Bruce asked. ,,Have I three legs or five heads?“ ,,...No?...“ ,,Okay, this means there wasn't nothing much dangerous how I though,“ she grinned. ,,Can you help me up?“ ,,Sure, of course.“ Bruce helped her on her legs. ,,And do you want help go to living room?“ She looked on him with dark view. ,,Bruce, I asked you if you can help me to got up, no to be my nanny.“ They all smiled, besides Tony. ,,Okay, how you want,“ Bruce lifted hands for peace.
They got to living room on the couch and they choosing one of them. ,,Okay, the first one is Tony, and the second one is...Ann.“ ,,Oh my God, you'll never draw lots in this game again,“ Ann sighed. Smile on Tony's face was somewhere in Asgard now, maybe.
The doors were closed and darkness swallowed them.
,,Tony, are you okay?“ she asked, somewhere in the dark. Tony can't see her and that made him nervous. She was like cat, watching her defenseless prey. And it wasn't good feeling. Finally he once upon a time felt like others, when he did this to them. ,,I am fine, just I am sorry about accident in laboratory, I really didn't know yo-“
He gasped and quietly groaned, because he felt warm lips on his neck. But it can't be Ann. She hates him. ,,Why you didn't smile from the accident?“ He felt two slim arms hugged his chest, from behind. ,,There wasn't nothing to smile. Annie are you really okay?“ ,,Yeah, why not?“ ,,You hate me.“
,,What?! No, that isn't true, sometimes you are maybe arogant and bad, but who not? And I hate you? That's stupidity!“ ,,Ann. What was in the experiment?“ He turned to face her. She was so mysterious, like Loki, but about Ann, that wasn't normal. ,,Ann. What. Was. In. It.“ He gave the emphasis on each word. She just gave her arms around Tony's neck. ,,Some aphrodisiac, why, it doesn't matter.“ He gasped but she...kissed him. He didn't know, what to do for a while, but after that, he said himself Thor and Loki kill him anyway, and Pepper broke with him before three months, he gave hands around her back and pulled her to him like she had legs wrapped around his hips, her hands was around his neck and his around her back and her hair did him iris.
He knew that, she was almost like drugged and she didn't know what she doing, but he failed to help himself to stop. Just say, how often you got into a wardrobe with beautiful, amazing, smart and sexy Goddess, which kissing you?
Tony though no many times. And every thing have start and finish. He put her on the floor. She didn't want, but after that he gave her five more kisses she was willing to quit. The doors opened and they two left the wardrobe. But before they sat down, Tony could make whisper: ,,Can you make that aphrodisiac more times?“ He left away to get some drink, so he can't see, how Ann started furiously blushing.
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Hi, here is next one, I hope you'll like it ;)
I just want tell you I'll do next one story with Avengers' ,Seven minutes in heaven' - Pietro Maximoff. He will be already Avenger and his sister won't be here - sorry, I don't like her much, I don't know why... :/ And they two were a couple, but it was a time ago, but now...just wait for surprise. ;) And more about Ann's abilities - she has a super-speed (she is quicker than Pietro), she can change to big wolf (Loki change to big black panther, Thor change to big gold retriever),  she can change her look (to Thor's, for example) and voice of person which she want, she also can manipulate with fire (she is fire goddess) and she and her brothers have one more eldest brother (he is not much nice, he hit her many times, she once almost died, he and Annie hates each other, he is anti-feminist and he change to big and huge grizzly bear). I think it's all now and if not, I'll informate you ;)
So, I hope you'll enjoy it and I must give much thanks to #Ranger_Chan, for she help me much with my next story - you will see ;)
,,Seven Minutes In Heaven“
The Avengers
OMC x Ann

Part 3
Steve Rogers

,,Ann, please!“ ,,No! I won't play that stupid game!“ She quickly walked (rather ran) from Tony's range. ,,But why? Come on, Ann, it's just a game! Nothing will happen.“ They two arrived to living room (connected with kitchen). ,,What's happening?“ Bruce asked, when Ann fell on the couch next to him. ,,Well, Tony wants to I will play ,Seven minutes in heaven'.“ ,,Yes, I think it's not a bad game, why you don't want to play?“ Ann groaned. ,,You too?!“ ,,What? Ann, come play with us. Please.“ Bruce did ,,puppy eyes“ and Ann trying to don't say ,yes'.
,,Hey guys, I need a help! Come here!“ Bruce yelled and when he looked back on Annie, she rolled eyes and he grinned. ,,Hey, what is a problem?“ Clint, alias Hawkeye entered to room and smacked with himself on the couch too. ,,Tony have a plan, he wants play ,Seven minutes in heaven', but Ann don't want to play. Please, help me to convent her!“ ,,Okay! Everyone, Loki, Bruce, Natasha, Thor, Tony, Steve, you too, come here and help us! Doing ,,puppy eyes“, now!“
They all started do, what Clint said and Ann tried to be as piece of ice - cold and adamant. But she didn't can do it a long time, so she gave up. ,,Okay, I will play...“ she said with a little sigh. They started exult.
They all sat on the couch and gave little papers to hat which Tony brought. He challenged Steve to choose one name. He chose Ann. ,,And what now?“ ,,Now Ann choose one thing of this bag. There are things which characterizes all of us. When he chose it, this one will go with Ann into a wardrobe and there will be in seven minutes. Okay?“
Tony was enthusiastic and exited. He loves this game.
Ann groped in sack and she pulled out...
She swallowed loudly and blushed. She held a little shield of Captain America. ,,I think it's sure, who is it... Cap, go into a wardrobe!“ Tony commanded. Steve just blinked in a few seconds but he shook with his head, got up and go to wardrobe, where waited Annie. She was leaned of wall of back side of wardrobe. Steve realized, Ann is blushing, bitting her lip and twisting with her fingers. He didn't know why, but he decided to find out it...
The doors closed and they two were in darkness. Ann's heart can a little work now, because he can't see her. She said it just to Loki, but she fell in love for Captain America, or Steve Rogers. Meanwhile Loki smiled and grinned out of here, he knew and others though he is crazy, but he knew, of course. She said him in one sleepless night and she cried he never love her. Loki comforted her and she trust him, so she done ,nothing is happening with me'. But he still know...
Ann can feel Steve's heat. He was so near! Goddess though she can't breathe, but she didn't dare to take a deep breath. Or any breath, of course.
She felt Steve gave his hands to her hips. ,,St-Steve, what are you doin-“ She stopped talking, because Steve gave his finger on her lips and she just still stand, in front of him. ,,Ann,“ he started, ,,I don't know where start, but I want to tell you...I want to tell you I, I have a fellings f-for you,“ he sighed and looked away. Annie's heart stopped.
She didn't trust her ears. He really, he really loves her? That mist be dream! That perfect man can't love...her. She even didn't know how describe her. She was just...she was just she. Ann.
,,I fell in love with you, when I first saw you,“ Steve continued, ,,because you, happy, kind, nice, amazing, beautiful, rebel, brave, strong, devoted, good, cool, hot, sexy, responsiv-“
,,So shut up and kiss me,“ she whispered and he fulfilled her wish: he just softly gave his lips on her. It was soft, but so affectionate! They pulled away, looked on each other and after a few moments kiss again. This kiss was wilder, braver than first. Steve was shy, everyone knows that, but Annie her shy and fearful showed to a few people, Loki and Bruce, Clint and maybe Natasha, but don't in front of even Thor or even Tony, that is unthinkable.
But here were two persons who loves and loves each other and no one can stop them. Oh, wait. Just one, only one thing can stopped them. The time. Tony quickly opened the doors and they two started blush. They can watch Steve's back and Annie's head, behind Steve. They just did ,,Awwww!“ and did hearts with their hands, but Ann went crazy with shame. Steve noticed it and smiled to her. She gave him a uncertain smile and hid her face into his collarbone, his neck and hugged his chest. Steve just smiled, but helped her and hid her from views of others. ,,Come on, you two turtledoves, get out of wardrobe!“ Tony grinned. Steve smiled and in his mind was born a new plan. ,,In your dreams, Tony!“ he yelled and slammed doors again. He gave surprised Ann hungrily view and whispered question into her ear. ,,So, where we ended?...“
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So, here is next part, I hope you like it ;)
,,Seven Minutes In Heaven"
The Avengers
OMC x Ann

Part 2
Clint Barton

,,Hey, Ann, what you have? Who will be the lucky person?" She just rolled her eyes and Tony smiled. ,,So what? Oh, yeah! You have a little figure of Legolas from Lord of the Rings!" ,,And it means...?" she asked. ,,Legolas, this is your match!" ,,Tony, don't call me Legolas! My name is Clint, Clint Barton! Have you it?"
Ann bit her lip, but followed Clint, which held the doors open. She started to blush. Clint closed doors and put his hands to her hips. She trembled.
,,So, hello, what's happening with you?" ,,What you mean?" ,,You bit your lip and blushed. Why?" They two looks into eyes the each other. ,,I-I though about what will Tony  tell about us, what we did here," she whispered. ,,Can, can you hug me?" she asked quietly.
,,Yes, of course," he smiled and put her into him. She gave her arms around his neck and he gave his hands around her back.
She gave her head into Clint's collarbone and he gave her kiss into hair. Ann didn't notice, but Clint slowly walked to one side of wardrobe with her. Finally she registered it. ,,Clint, what are you doing?" Clint smiled sadly. ,,I just do what I want did a lots times ago...," he whispered, before he pulled his lips to Ann's. She gasped and so got Clint enter to her mouth with his tongue. After a while, Clint got back.
,,Sorry, but I must did it..." ,,Clint?" she whirred. ,,Yes?" he said, with fears into voice. ,,Do it again." He noticed, she had a aglitter eyes. He didn't wait for anything and kissed her again, as she wanted.
Ann gave his legs around Clint's hips and he moaned. She just smiled. ,,How-how long time, we have?" she said between kisses. ,,I think maybe fifteen seconds." ,,Okay, we will do anything happend, okay?" ,,Fine." He carefully let go her. They two sat down on the floor and started speaking about, for example, this wardrobe.
After a moment Tony quickly smashed the doors and smiled as child which saw a Santa Claus. Clint and Ann did they are fine, but they really want giggled. They stood up and walked out around angry and disappointed Tony. Anyone other can saw it, but Clint blinked to Ann. She just giggled and they two sat down on the sofa.
,,Okay," Tony said and devil smile reigned on his face. ,,And now we will see the record from camera..."
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